Saturday, June 10, 2006


make school make sense
make school make sense!!!!
support the campaign...

I got a pack for schools in the post today - going to send it to the headmistress; ))

still haven't heard from the steiner school yet - but I wasn't at home on thursday/friday they may have rang while I was out.

still haven't had our report re the diagnosis which I'm really looking forward to reading.

having a strange and wierd wobbly day today - unexpected but probably just a bit of backlash from the last few months...


joker the lurcher said...

weird and wobbly is cool!

one thing you should be prepared for is that the report will make laurie sound scary. i found this really hard with owen - you have to tell them the worst things and they report tham in a way that negates the soft and kind side of your child but which gets you the help you need. its all a bit like a power game with them.

hang on in there gal...

Lou said...

hey thanks - I'd not even thought about that. That helps to prepare though.

holding and hanging...

Lou said...

its seems to be quite different between Uk and US...

still haven't got the report...