Monday, March 13, 2006


A strange day full of airports, phone calls, worrying and trying to stay focussed. Maybe this will all be explained but probably not today. The stutterings title refers to the faffing I've had to do today.

Ok I know I'm demanding but I really want tagclouds on my blog - it's the librarian in me. I need some kind of retrieval system especially as I've started by deliberately mixing up my posts. This is an EXTREME experiment for me who would ideally like a blog for personal stuff, a blog for work stuff and blog for studying stuff. I'm trying to stop the separation thing but this may not work. What if, for example, my work colleagues saw something about me personally that they didn't need to know, such as my penchant for dressing up in uniforms (pretend example of course - I dress up in much more interesting stuff really).

In order to maintain order ( and yes this is very important) I need tag clouds...

So I found the fantastic site and did as they asked.

I also added a different feed to my blog using

I'm no techie but I can cut and paste html like the rest or so I thought. So either I've done it all wrong or it takes time and more content to show a real live cloud.

Looking forward to the day when I see the tag uniforms appear large in my cloud...

If you've never seen a tagcloud then look at the fantastic my

photo for today is of my son and called too bright. It fits today for me - trying to run before.... the future's bright - I just need to catch up.

too bright
too bright

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