we had a holiday last week - a few days out and visits and lots of home time. nice...
school update...
still no response from the education services since I wrote a letter asking them how we go about getting a "co-ordinated support plan" (new laws in Scotland mean that we need one of these to get the appropriate support. we have no idea whether Laurie will be going to a school in August or not - so can't prepare him - great - really helpful for a kid with Aspergers.
We suspect that we may have to continue home educating and that will mean plan c - getting an au pair to live in to cover when we're not here - not as an educator but as a companion and carer.
Failing that it's plan Z - give up work and home - which will take 3 months notice and selling...
Ah well time will tell.
life update...
In the meantime Laurie has been fine and fairly happy. Tonight though he was having a bath (usually a really good time for him) and I heard him crying. I asked what was up and he said he was crying because he didn't know what would happen if we all died. It went on for a while including questions like -
"what is the meaning of life"
"what's the point of living if we're all going to die"
"what would happen if you two die and leave me alone"
"humans will be left on a dark cold planet" - hmmmn
It was a bit tough - did the cycle of life thing, the part of the universe thing, there's no point in worrying thing!
poor lad - he thinks too much.
just like me.
done a new series on flickr - a story in six pictures which I really like and aims to show positives of Aspergers and some misconceptions - here are two of them.
two sides to every story