betty has style...
and so does my new blog. I've just amalgamated one of my websites (the one I use for my consultancy work) and this blog. I have a major soft spot for this blog as it has taken me through a significant phase of my (and my family's) life. I've been blogging since 2006 when I also discovered flickr and I wanted to bring together my photography with my words.
During that period my son was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome (on the autistic spectrum), both myself and my partner Tim have given up our salaried posts, we have left glasgow and moved to dumfries and galloway. We took our son out of mainstream school, after a fairly horrendous time and we now do home learning...
This journey has all happened on this blog and so I am really pleased that I have been able to transfer it across to my new site at which uses a new wordpress theme.
I hope any regular readers will come along and continue to follow the story...