Tomorrow we have to go back to school - the same school that excluded my son recently. The same school that he feels sick about going to.
And why?
because everyone agrees he has to go to school -
'the longer you leave it the worse it will get'
well I don't even think I should be sending him back. we've had a few big wobblers in the last three days as he starts to anticipate the awfulness of it all. we keep trying to encourage, cajole and outright lie!!!
why am I going to try it - I don't even know. Pressure - the threat of prosecution? A tiny spark within me that thinks it may just be OK.
The plan is that Laurie and I will go in a bit later than 9.00 and talk to his two teachers. the educational psychologist will talk to the witch headmistress after lunch about a plan for a gentle re-integreation ( a bit late as we already have to turn up at nine!!!) It could all be over by 10.00 - second exclusion, Lou loses her job, they have to sell their house and boy murders new dog in frustration.
We are due to visit the psychiatric team tomorrow too for next stage of assessment.
Can't believe Laurie went to sleep so calmly tonight. He is recalling bad dreams about school again and is very negative about going back...
It'll all come out in the wash as they say...
To top it all - bloody new camera didn't arrive yet due to easter hols... haven't finished writing book stuff, have a work email with over 100 unread emails and am knackered.
on the bright side - we had a family day out at loch lomond which cheered us all up. everyone else in the house is fast asleep. laurie found some tiny mushrooms so I did a macro with my 'old' camera. I quite like it.
umbrellas in a rainy forest
also Laurie had his first go at photoshop on a previous photo of hector - came out really well...
he called it colourful reflection
poor you and tim and poor laurie. hold onto the fact that if he gets excluded it can only help speed up getting proper provision for him. at least now you have identified that the school is being completely unreasonable you know which angle to approach it all from.
i'm reading temple grandin's book "thinking in pictures" which has been updated to include loads of really interesting new research - it has lots about sensory hypersensitivity which you, laurie and tim would find interesting.
best of luck with school, but if it doesn't work, don't worry! they are never going to prosecute you if he's excluded anyway!
hiya lou- my thoughts are with you guys today, and i can only think two things - 1. sometimes things REALLY aren't as bad after a break for all sorts of reasons, some of which you can't anticipate; or, 2. sometimes it just takes endurance which is a good enough thing for a kid to learn (although i wish no kid or adult had to). and sometimes doing 2., enduring and pressing ahead in the face of fear and dread leads to 1. at least laurie has your unconditional support, and you both have tim's. i like what joker says too, i hadn't thought of that. anyway- lots of love to you all, hope to hear from you soon here about how things are going. xxxxxxx
trouble is the ed psych and now the psychiatrist keep telling me that the school is really good and the bloody headmistress is really caring!!!
sorry guys - just having a really bad day...
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