it's make school make sense launch day in Scotland.
there has been loads of press interest and it tied in with an HMI report also launched today about the shoddy state of affairs in Scotland.
we arrived at school this morning - just in time cause I got lost trying to avoid the traffic (which really stressed laurie out) to have all his classmates run over and say they'd seen us on tv. we were surprised cause we don't watch breakfast tv.
they'd put a short version on (the one that is currently on the website). it didn't include Laurie speaking but the evening one was slightly extended to include a bit of his interview about them letting him have quiet space. he was pleased about this. the video link (to the top right of the page will be there for a day).
I just hope the previous headmistress was watching!!!! we were really well behaved and all the time never mentioned which school we had all the difficulty with. took a fairly positive approach. we were in the Glasgow herald education supplement today but no photo.
then tonight had a photographer around to take shots to accompany an article and interview in tomorrow's scotsman newspaper.
we had a quiet halloween and to avoid the trick or treaters we went to the cinema together.
tim has just walked in through the door, back from korea with presents - so have to stop blogging!
really wanted to include a smiley pic for today (and did post one on flickr) but just prefer this one...
Hi there,
I found your blog through flickr. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your lives. It has meant a lot to me. We have a 4yo who has just been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. The label is new to us but we know our little boy. Your posts have had me in tears. I can feel so much of what you have communicated. xx
lou - you are a star! it was nice to meet you on the net - i somehow thought you would have a scottish accent! i do of course know that people move around but i have that sort of mind!
and hi to anonymous - congratulations on having a special son - i have one too!
Asperger's is a fascinating topic. I hope you will discuss it more here. And... beautiful picture! :)
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