Sunday, May 21, 2006


Just sitting on flickr and watching thelma and louise again with the ballad of lucy jordan playing by marainne faithful

and i think..

yeah I would have shot the bastard too...

so I'll have to find an appropriate photo for today...

it's not pretty but the title is

go ahead punk - make my day
it was done for the headmistress (who most of you will already know)
but I keep it in reserve for any arsehole we may come across...

go on punk make my day


pathbrae said...

You should have come out to Dundee to play in the raim with the flickr crowd yesterday.
It was a good day - who cares about the weather.

Lou said...

I'll try for the next one...

Anonymous said...

Mwaahhahahahaha... what's going on in the stars right now Lou? I too have become a raging angry gun-shooting bitch again recently :-) Mostly at the blokes, but you know, I'd shoot the headmistress too! :-)

Anonymous said...

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