it can take us up to an hour to get Laurie dressed depending on the softness, length of sleeves, fluffy bits and how much cotton an item has.
Can't believe that I seriously have conversations with my 9 year old about what percentage of cotton is in his clothes; )))
so funny but can be majorly frustrating when you have to go somewhere. i try to be patient...
hey the truant officer arrived today - now that was funny
totally unexpected he arrived on the doorstep. he actually was a nice guy doing a shit job.
i told him that we'd filled in the home ed forms and had the home ed person coming tomorrow for a visit.
i told him that we'd written to the education services about our decision.
there was no hint of 'you're breaking the law' although technically we are. he was fairly cool about it - went through the motions but it was clear he totally got why we were at this point. he said the system was based on 50's ideology which was no longer relevant - we can only agree...
so I wrote a curriculum out to show the home ed person. not expecting any problems - home ed is fine as long as he get's it 150% right first time!!!!
also the Steiner school rang to arange a meeting with us all - it will be on my birthday - so taking that as a good sign. if it comes off he will be in a class of 14! felt bad having to give her the background details of him, because of that bloody exclusion....grrrr, bitch and stuff
anyway we wait in hope but he is so much happier not having to do group work - although he turning into a fairly good cook working with me - will probably be a bit arsey though if he was a chef; )
this is what he looks like when he arsey
its called houdini blues after a favourite Kristen hersh track about labels
"Oh no don't you put me in that box
you know what you can do with those locks
bet your life I'll come crawling out again
you'll have to deal with me then
you'll hear me in the wind."
It is a good sign that the meeting with the Steiner School is on your birthday- a time of new beginnings always. I'm at a JISC-CETIS meeting in Manchester- very posh hotel room- Cath Owen was saying how good it was to see you the other day- today, been arguing on behalf of repositories yet again- grrr (must seem a million miles away to you right now!)... anyway, love the story about the "truant officer" :-) xx
fantastic how well its going - its amazing how quickly things can turn round.
thought of laurie today as we had haircuts. our hairdresser is a true saint called natalie who comes to the house and does a mass shearing. she has continued to come through all owen's rudeness and yelling at her (she has a nephew with adhd and a neice on the autistic spectrum so understands and is really patient).
ages ago we made a film called "the hair slayer visits" which i put on dvd. i can't get it to play in my mac (which has got a bit tempremental with its drive ) but it works in my laptop so i will try to post it on the net somewhere and i'll send you the link. there are some priceless faces by owen.
the clothes thing is so typical. i now get the bulk of owen's clothes from asda or tesco where they are so cheap it doesn't matter if they don't work - if they are not good i just give then to oxfam. i got 10 pairs of socks for £2! mind you he has managed to lose all of them somehow - or hide them! they use really cheap fabric too which tends to be softer, quicker.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
didn't answer - sorry
had brief look at blog during travels
time to do a get together - no choice just necessary
will ring ...
need to see the hair slayer film
I just know we'll appreciate it at our end.
maybe we should do a sock slayer video too.
I would have loads of footage of socks flying across the room; )
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
I find some information here.
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